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Business Diagnostics Workshop

The University of Southampton Science Park's monthly lunch and learn workshops are free to attend for Southampton Science Park resident businesses and lunch will be provided.

Are you ready for growth?

9 out 10 businesses in the UK are eager to grow. The problem for many is understanding how.

A lunchtime workshop organised by Southampton Science Park  and Smith & Williamson to help you RAG rate your business for growth.

Whether you are a startup or a scaleup, you are likely to have experienced challenges in a few key areas when looking to grow your business. With these key areas in mind, we will walk you through Smith & Williamson’s diagnostic tool developed specifically to help identify the characteristic strengths and weaknesses of growing businesses. Join us in looking at leadership, sales & marketing, information & technology, accountancy, financial support and market access and find out in which of these areas your business could do better and how you might achieve this.

You will take away a diagnostic report, which will help you understand how you can address the specific growth challenges your business has. There will also be an opportunity to have a one-to-one discussion with Smith & Williamson after the workshop about your diagnostic report or any challenges you have identified prior to attending the workshop.

This workshop is intended for senior management of companies with 5+ staff. You will need to bring a laptop in order to access the diagnostic tool. You are not expected to share your report with other attendees. Places are limited to 12 people.

Speaker: Amy Harper, Associate Director, Smith & Williamson

Book your place

Book a meeting space

We have 11 meeting rooms all of which can be configured in a number of different ways to cater for your meeting or event. Please use the two links below to book a meeting room either as a tenant or a visitor to the University of Southampton Science Park

View terms & conditions here.