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Wessex PSC - Safety Culture Programme - System and Organisational Leaders

A safety culture in healthcare is one where staff have a positive experience of psychological safety, teamwork and leadership, and feel comfortable discussing when things don’t go as planned.

Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative Safety Culture Event for System and Organisation Leaders offers a positive, safe and productive space for system leaders to share, debate and learn together as a peer group.

The facilitators for the day are Suzette Woodward, National Director for Sign up to Safety and Professor Jane Reid, Clinical Consultant for Wessex PSC and NED, Salisbury FT.

The programme will explore:

1) The context of safety and culture in healthcare in 2018/19.

2) Appreciative inquiry, effective communication and team dynamics.

3) Human cognition and its impact on human performance.

4) Accountability, professional values, risk and culture.

5) Resilience and psychological safety.

6) Local examples of personal and organisational experience.

The day is designed to stimulate sharing and debate, it is not a taught or theoretical experience. Participation, challenge and exploration are key components and the real life stories that you as system leaders bring will be key to our peer learning.

For more info, contact the communications team: (023) 8202 0858


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