Volunteering for Conservation
On a glorious hot sunny Sunday in May, volunteers came out in force to help maintain the Chilworth Conservation Area, which sits within Southampton Science Park boundaries. It was a day of clearing and chopping back undergrowth, tidying the pond area and tree circle, and making bug houses to encourage bees and insects to the area.
The Chilworth Conservation Area is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation with a long history and a wide range of flora and fauna habitats. Covering 27 acres of ancient and secondary woodland and unimproved meadow, it is highly valued by Science Park residents, Chilworth Manor guests and the local community as a peaceful space for relaxation and walking.
It was a joy to see so many getting involved this year, helping to make the day so friendly and productive. Thank you to everyone who took part from resident companies, the Science Park office, partner organisations Lambert Smith Hampton, Greenzest and Legacy, members of the University of Southampton Conservation Society and local residents. Thanks also to Chilworth Manor Hotel for providing a wonderful lunch.
Jo Middleditch, Events Manager at Southampton Science Park, arranged the day. She reflected, “What a team! Thank you to the amazing volunteers who generously gave their time on Sunday and worked hard to keep this wonderful area looking fantastic for all to enjoy.
“We hope to run another volunteer day in October, so if you missed out on getting involved in the spring, we’d love to see you in the autumn. Please reach out to me at admin@science-park.co.uk and I’ll make sure you’re kept informed about plans for this day.”