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Getting The Best From Everyone

It is currently estimated that, for every potential candidate, there are ten jobs available.

In this highly challenging time for businesses across the South that are looking to grow, building the capability of individuals and teams so that talented people stay, and can also be attracted when vacancies arise, has never been more important. That’s where leadership, as opposed to management, is a critical success factor.

“As supervisors or managers, we play such an important part in how people feel about where they work,” began Alison Craig, kicking off her new three-part Lunch & Learn series on high performance leadership. “What we say and do makes a 70% difference to whether people feel included and valued, and this has a direct impact on collaborative working and, ultimately, business performance.”

Alison went on to lead a workshop with attendees from a wide range of sectors and business sizes, who together learnt about a range of different leadership styles and the need to adapt, based on the individuals concerned and the situation you are in.

"Very helpful and very enjoyable," remarked one manager present. "I plan to persuade others in our business to attend these sessions as I found it very interesting and insightful with lots of information covered. Alison was very easy to listen to," said another.

On 13th July, our leadership series continues when Alison will address how to build competence, confidence, resilience and ownership through coaching. Keep an eye out for the event on our Events Calendar

All Southampton Science Park Lunch & Learn sessions are free for any business manager to attend, you do not need to be a resident company. What better way to spend your lunchbreak than learning how to unlock the growth potential in your business?

Book a meeting space

We have 11 meeting rooms all of which can be configured in a number of different ways to cater for your meeting or event. Please use the two links below to book a meeting room either as a tenant or a visitor to the University of Southampton Science Park

View terms & conditions here.